Diffused light, an idea of softness

Diffused light is first and foremost a state of light. It’s a soft, enveloping light, cast shadows are blurred, so the light amplifies the space.

In nature, this phenomenon can be observed when sunlight is diffused evenly through clouds, fog, mist, trees or other obstacles that reflect a large amount of light, so that it spreads out smoothly and widely. In general, this phenomenon is best observed in the morning, when the morning mist is still present and the sun cannot penetrate it. The resulting photographs have softened reliefs, shadows are less sharp and the result is generally a photo with a soft overall cast.
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In addition to the natural effects of morning and evening, diffuse light can also be captured under certain working conditions, such as excessive humidity, with a strong contrast between a brightly lit object and the darker surroundings.

Diffused light has often been used in painting to complement the Clair Obscur effect favored by such great painters as Georges de La Tour, Rembrandt and, closer to home, Monet. It consists in creating strong contrasts between light and dark areas in close proximity. The lighted areas then reflect the light strongly, but this reflection depends entirely on the support. Skin and textiles, for example, tend to reflect light diffusely, accentuating the softness of the scene and making it even more intimate.
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October 9, 2023


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